Saturday, September 27, 2008

blogging blogging

I really didn't have anything to blog about. I just felt like blogging. Staring at the blinking cursor is actually therapeutic. A few hours ago, I seriously considered night swimming. But I didn't know how to swim. Well I do know how to swim but it has to be with goggles (Yeah. Pretty weird. If I take off the goggles, I automatically sink. Mysteries in life.). Wearing the snorkel would probably give out certain reactions from my middle eastern neighbors. They're pretty weird as well but I didn't want them to think I was in their level of weirdness. Plus I don't think I want to freeze my ass off.

So I ate everything in the fridge. Now my stomach is churning. I should have listened to my mom when she said milk, sodas and iced tea doesn't mix well. And so does honey, cookies and fish paste.

Did a little cleaning as well. Very little. There's not much to clean after all.

The next logical step was to text everyone in my phone book. They messaged back so now I don't have any phone credits. Which sucks. My recently reestablished connection with my best friend in Cebu is turning out to be a trip to weirdness. She texts too much. And she asked me again why I never even noticed that she liked me. One word. Incest. Augh. I shiver at the thought. So when I told her I really didn't even consider it, she didn't text me back. I should find a better line next time she asks me. Or maybe she just fell asleep.

After saying good night to around 50 people (who, apparently, are also bored as hell), I resorted to bouncing around the apartment for an hour. I had to stop because I tripped and crashed into the tv. Yeah. All fingers and toes are accounted for. Although, I may be missing an eyeball.

Now I'm left with a bruised ankle and a lot of brain activity. You should worry when I think. I kinda analyze every minute detail. And I finally realized what makes me truly-absolutely-over-the-top-crazy happy. Volunteer work. I don't know why but it's probably the one most important thing I missed doing while I was in Cebu. My sister always dragged me everywhere and I never told her how much I appreciated it. She's a student nurse so she drags me to medical missions.

So I messaged my other friend about asking around for volunteer work. She has probably already signed me up for all the volunteer work she can think of. Um. Yay?

So now, I do have something to blog about. Vital lesson in life. It's not a good idea to leave someone home alone with their stupid hormones.

Hormonal. Imbalance. Rocks.

You really should see me when I'm horny.

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