Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bar hop

I never really liked bars. I don't like beer. And I don't like smoking. And I, especially, do not like to 'dress up'.

My engineering buddies often try to drag me to bars on a Saturday night. I've always managed to dodge their claws. Pretending to be sleep talking whenever they call. Feigning a heart attack. LBM. Dementia. Quarterlife crisis. My lolo coming over. My lola. Name it.

But I went to a bar last Saturday. Do you know why I suddenly decided to give Absinthe a try and become uncomfortable with shits and all? I didn't know it then. But I do know now. I liked their company. I really do.
(grabbed from aisa's blog)
These people are crazy. But I think they're nice. Really nice. And there's a lot more to them than what meets the eye. But I won't talk about their stories. It's not mine to tell.

Plus, Hans, JC and the girls like CounterStrike. So there's always a slim chance we'd play after the bar hop thing. That's a big PLUS. I love games.

But, in spite of the fun, I still felt like a fish out of the water. This was my 1st time after all. The Libis thing wasn't really a 'bar' bar. Some may argue but I have a different definition. So just shaddup.

It's not that I don't like my eng buds. It's just that I don't want to talk about make-up. It's usually the girls that drag me. And they're very girly. Super girly. Chua is probably the girliest girl ever. But I think the biggest factor would be that they don't know I'm gay. So they spend their time trying to make me wear horrible pink fluffy ribbony stuff. And it's tiring. It's not that I don't want to tell them. I tried a couple of times. But that's another story.

So... I went to a bar. I'm not sure if I'm ever gonna try it again. My mom would be proud that I actually tried having a life.

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