Sunday, August 24, 2008


Lawrence. Oh how I miss Lawrence.

Yeah. He's a dude.

And no. I'm still super gay. He's super super gay as well.

But I miss him. He's my hairstylist...... Do you know how hard it is to find a stylist you can trust? Someone you feel that you have this telepathic connection to? Someone you know you're gonna love for the rest of your life? I'd marry him if I was even slightly attracted to him. Or him to me for that matter. Damn it. If there is one thing I hate most about moving to another place, it would be this.

I like messy hair.. It looks funky. But it's mostly because I'm too lazy to style it. I usually go to work without using a comb. But he understands me. With just a wink, he gets me. Dude, I'm visiting Cebu in a couple of months. You better still be where I left you.

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