Thursday, August 14, 2008

How I'm spending my life.. Part 6

Update :
Ok. Maybe I'm not that stubborn afterall..

I'm stubborn. I'm probably one of the top 10 most stubborn people in the world. My rules are set in stone. It never changes unless you have another chisel to rewrite the rules.

I can't help it. It's the way I'm built.

If I say I won't play another round of dota, you're gonna have to drag me to the internet cafe and threaten to kill me and my whole clan just to make me play.
If you challenge me to ignore you, I'll probably ignore you until we're 70 years old. If you're choking or if you're foaming at the mouth, I'd bring you to the hospital but I'd still ignore you. I may not like ignoring you and maybe it's causing some sort of bowel movement malfunction but I'd still ignore you.
If I ask you not to buy me underwear, never buy me underwear. There's a better chance of hell freezing over than you buying me underwear.

But I think I'm learning to be a little less stubborn every year.. About .001% less stubborn.

So.. Yeah.. (-_-)

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