Wednesday, September 29, 2010

COTton TEXtile (Kotex)

The Great Pax of the Fashion World
aka My Sanga

As you all know, the Sanga tends to drag me everywhere she goes and just bribes me with promises of food. The Kotex blogger event was no exception. She figured "Hey she's (kind of) a blogger and there's food!" equates to "You're going. No excuses". After all, lezzies menstruate too.

Being a part of the Kotex event, I owe it to them to broadcast what I loved about their product to all my avid readers... All 6 of them + me. I read my blog too. Plus I deem it important to know that I suspect the rice was cooked with chicken stock instead of the regular water. But enough of that. I'm supposed to be blogging about Kotex.

So there I was. Smack in the middle of the most girliest people you can imagine. Gasp! The Horror! Right? ...... Meh. I admit. I like their company. Yes, they were still overproducing estrogen and still talked about shoes but they make the world a much more beautiful place.

(There's more of 'em. LOTS more.)

My mind absorbs non-sense things like where the most expensive coffee came from (Cat poop!! We have our own version - motit coffee in the Cordillera and kape alamid in Tagalog areas). I'm not a geek. Really.

So I'd like to bore you with what I read (years ago. somewhere. written on some paper. not sure if it's 100% accurate) about the beginnings of Kotex. It's interesting to know that they were first manufactured as bandages during the World War I. They developed an absorbent wadding from wood that was about 5x more absorbent than cotton and called dubbed it Cellucotton. I thought it was pretty cool. They even supplied it to the war department at cost and refused to make a healthy profit from it. Who does that? It says a lot about their company, eh?
When the war ended, taa daaaa!! No more reusing of cloth rags!

Sidenote : Can you imagine soldiers (with huge manly guns, scars and cigars) charging into war with feminine pads stuck to their foreheads? Ha! Of course, they weren't shaped like the pads we use but can you imagine them with Indie Chic pads? Legendary!

WOW (Why Only White?). Their new product is just lovely. I actually considered filling a frame with those pads. We're probably going to use them now that Sanga is already in love with them. Pssshh.. Girls. Well, it's still as absorbent (if not more) as it was in the battle fields. I actually can't feel any wetness while wearing it. And it's definitely comfortable. I didn't feel like there was something stuck down there.

I conclude that I must be a magnet. Before, during and after the presentation, cameras magically flew onto my shoulders. The girls took pictures in every corner of that damned place. Every angle. Every possibility. I may whine a lot about Sanga dragging me into stuff like these but in reality, I really just like being with her. Ew. Cheese.


Fickle Cattle said...

I like kape alamid. Expensive, yes. Also, you look lovely in that first shot.

I am Fickle Cattle.

Fickle Cattle said...

Apparently, that's not you. Hahaha. Oh well, she looks lovely.

I am Fickle Cattle.

acheron said...

nyahaha! most of the posts here include her so she might as well own this ;)