Friday, January 22, 2010


I love desserts (anything edible actually). I used to make my version of pastillas when I was kid. I just mixed drops of water with powdered milk and sugar. And then I'd dip it in condensed milk (talk about sugar rush). Honey tasted funky. It was a hit in my neighborhood! But I think it was mostly because kids eat anything handed to them.
I also used to put everything in my morning cereal and oats. Breakfast AND dessert at the same time. Peanutbutter, banana and cereal sandwich. Mutated refrigerator cakes. Blocks of cheese and fruits. I spent hours cupboard raiding and staring at "ingredients" in our mini store.
If I weren't a software engineer, I would have been a chef. Or a pastry chef. It's easier to calm my desire for food stuff now that I can actually afford it.
Why the sudden reminiscing of childhood fun stuff?
I've been hoarding again. My desk has crackers, awesome peanut butter, apple and cinnamon cookies, cashew nuts, leche flan, cranberry and cream bread. I'm thinking about buying fruits over the weekend to store here. MMmmm.. This won't be good for my waistline but Aisa said she'd still like me.