Wednesday, December 17, 2008

christmas shits!

I don't dress up. I just never really bothered with it. Shirts can solve anything. Even my mom has given up bribing me into wearing anything remotely fancy. The most I've dressed up for a party was when I wore shoes instead of slippers. Last year, I won a laptop and went to claim my prize in slippers and ragged jeans while they were all Vegas-ish looking.

Anyway, this year, Aisa actually convinced me to wear something presentable. Or at least something in tune with the theme (Past Forward - 70's 80's 90's outfits).
(with twisha)

I wore a tie. And a polo shirt. Well, they ended up strangling me with the tie.. which I thought was fun.

They were kinda pushing me around so it just looked like I was dancing. Honest. I don't dance.

(sexy performers.. meheheh)

(Gabe! He won the best dressed thingy that night. Complete with bling bling)

(Aisa.. The Culprit)

Well, it's one of the most memorable things I've done in my life.. Plus it didn't hurt that I spent it with some awesome friends.

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