Tuesday, June 26, 2012

on trust and happiness..

I have decided to just trust her and move on with my life.

I have decided to be happy.


Steps to be happy #1

Shoe shopping with my mom. Lovely lovely lovely shoesss!! Reebok Zig :D I wanna make out with it. The last time I bought shoes was 5 years ago. Sheesshh.. I was pegging the budget at 3k. Turns out, there are no more shoes that costs below 5k. The fuq. I bought this one on sale for 4k. It used to be 6k. I feel so blessed. Mhehehe

 Flew my mom in for some counsel. Mother knows best. And she's right of course. Plus she cleaned the apartment. ahahahaha.. She's OC like that.

Lunch with my mom at YABU katsu.

My mom never fails to make me feel better. Thanks Ma!

Yeah.. I'm a mother's girl. I don't have a dad. It's an immaculate conception.

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