Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 My love is deeply rooted.

A seed that found its place, when first I glimpsed your face.

Though time and distance kept us apart, that seed lay dormant, 

Waiting patiently beneath the surface.

After all these years, it has sprouted into a tender tree, 

Delicate yet resilient. 

I know this tree is still so young, its branches small and thin,
But like my love, it will grow stronger
A force that even the strongest storms cannot win.

(Although, it was never weak in the first place)

These roots have woven through my soul,
Entwining every inch of me.
They anchor deep, beyond my hold,
A bond that breathes in all I am.

Should you choose to uproot it, I fear the very earth beneath it would crumble,
For you hold the power to unravel me completely.

But I pray you choose to water it,
To let it drink the rain.

My deepest wish, my most cherished hope,
Is that we’ll tend our garden together,
With patience and tenderness,

Until it blossoms into a sanctuary,
Where we can rest beneath its gentle shade.